Monday, December 5, 2011

tagged at RM 44,800.00

source :

ai suka gie certain blog/web yang jual new plus second hand items, well some of them is quite in good conditions w/pun dah dipkai. Dan yang paling best minggu nier ai terjumpa BIRKIN for sale and it's new occay!! Yup, as uols bleh agak price nyer is RM44, 800 as stated as title of the entry. Kira bleh beli VIVA, Saga or myV cash ntuh...

Apapun, yang ai nak share is the price mmg mahalkan, as ai masuk butik Hermes kat Pav, they SA told me the Birkin 35cm now is around RM30k sajok !!! It's for basic just like above pic. Cuma bezanya uol kena tunggu dalam 2 tahun :( period. Tapi uols jangan risau lately dia org cakap jer, infact u kan get ur bag less one year; especially kalau uols booking from paris direct or UK. huhu so uols bleh kira berapa riban bleh save, so with that ,money bleh beli Chanel flap sebijik yang jumbo heheh, pastu ada lagik extra kalau campur with VAT refund !!!

But if uols dah terlebih kaya, sila la beli sbab dah ada depan mata kan, for me and Shwan (tetiba terseru nama uols) kami tetap berangan tak sudah to have this kind of bag

QUEEN of Bag !!!!


Shawn said...

Mmg best bag ni. Tapi terlalu tahap dewa geger nya. Baik aku belanja korang minum Starbucks setahun/4 hari sekali nakkkk

amy-irol said...

naknakk nakkkk. ok ahad nier jumpa kat Pav heheh