Monday, January 16, 2012

Konsert Ella n Awie

hey guys
dah pegi IB tgk this concert ??
for me i go there for ELLA
she's stunning !!!
n now i more adore her so much

i can't describe
i am enjoy so much
plus ader plak crowded yang sporting
n guess what ??
back my seat is Fafau !!
Farah Fauzana Deejay Hot FM
she sing all the songs (most)

seem we are not allowed takin' the pic
so nier jer at the end concert i snap
by using i-phone 4s

and uHHHH NO
ader masa lepak kat cafe
nampak so rang lady nie penuh bangga bawa bag LV
arhh sure lah kan kita penat membeli
so no wonder we luv our bag so much
the funny think is
it is the FAKE LV's BAG
dari sebatu dah nampak tak ori nyer
kalau nak bawa bag fake ittew
agak2 ler tempat kalau iya pun
nier nak gie IB, dah sah ramai yang bagaholic
they can identified the authentic by click the finger
malu lah :(

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